Our live magic shows are fun, engaging, and connective

Close-up magic shows during

Daytime Special Unit Visits

The small special unit visits are with individual units such as the K-9 unit, armory, infirmary, and firehouse. During these visits our service members share their unit’s purpose, their jobs and often give a demonstration of the equipment they use.

Afterwards, our team provides an intimate, interactive close-up magic show for the members of these units and invites them to the evening show.

For some, this is their only opportunity to experience the magic and receive a care package, because they are often still on duty during the evening shows.

The grand event

Evening Stage Shows

The evening program is a 90-minute interactive stage magic show that combines comedy, music, multimedia, and close-up magic. Upon arrival to the theater each service member will receive their care package.

meet and greet with Michael Finney
A personal connection

Meet & Greets

Immediately following the show, is a special time for our team to meet our service members, sign autographs, take pictures, shake hands, say thank you and hand deliver a gift box to each service member who attends.